
First Meetings

The first lecture will be held on Wed. Jan 18, 2017, immediately followed by a 15' "office hour" for Prof. Gerstein, for those with individual questions about the class. He will have an additional office hour at 5 pm on that day as well (in Bass 432). The class will meet again Fri. of that week (MLK make-up class).

General Notes

Changes from the last year

This is 20th year of the course. Please review the last year (SP2016)'s class website as a reference. In particular, many of the PDFs & PPTs for lectures will be similar to those last year. New developments for this year include:

Snow Days (general policy)

We have built into the class schedule the potential for snow days. To avoid last minute uncertainty and confusion, we will not wait until Yale officially closes the university for snow (which only happens in the most extreme of blizzards). If the weather looks particularly problematic a few days before (e.g., on Sat. for a Mon. class), we will preemptively cancel via the class email list, which means it important for all to be on this list.