Homework 0

Post date: Dec 03, 2015 3:17:13 PM

Welcome to the 20th iteration of "Biomedical Data Science: Mining and Modeling" course. Homework 0 is only meant for you to actively check-in to the class and get involved in a crowd-sourced activity.

HW 0 will be due on 1/23/2017. Please complete this assignment at your earliest convenience.

HW 0 consists of TWO parts, completing a poll to check you into the class and crowd-sourced comments and edits for "List of Study Topics in Bioinformatics" for both fun and educational purposes.

1. Please complete the following poll:

Assignment 0 poll 

2. First, please make sure you are logged onto Google with Yale email address. This will ensure us to track who made comments and edits. Once logged in, please make "comments and edits" for the following Google document:

Assignment 0 google doc