Homework 1

Post date: Dec 02, 2015 7:0:53 PM

DUE: Monday February 20th 11:59PM

Non-Programming Module

You can get the non-programming part from either of the following three ways:

1. Download the attached HW1.pdf file containing all the information about Homework 1. You only need to complete the non-programming modules. Submit the completed file through Canvas.

2. If you want to learn about RMarkdown, you can also download the attached zip file and complete the homework using the .Rmd file. You can find more about RMarkdown file below. Submit the completed .Rmd file through Canvas.  

3. If you want to learn about RMarkdown and also turn in your homework using Github, you are more than welcome to get access to the assignment and set up your own homework repository using Github. To do so, just follow the instruction in the following Programming module. You are only required to complete the non-programming module. Remember to commit and sync your changes to the Github server.

Programming Module

Start up with Homework 1 & Submission Instruction

1. Accept the assignment

2. Do you have Github account already?

3. Authorize and accept the assignment

General Policy

Language and Program

Using R

Using Python

What to put (or not put) into your Git(Hub) repository

This is rather specific to CBB 752 and may not necessarily reflect your workflow in the future and in other contexts.

How to “turn in” your homework

Additional tips for R users

Make it easy for others to run your code

Make pretty tables

There are a few occasions where, instead of just printing an object with R, you could format the info in an attractive table. Some leads:

Some more resources

Additional tips for Python users

Some of the materials were borrowed from stat540_2014/homework/hw_submission-instructions.md